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Future Manufacturing Through Nanoshaping

– A new method that creates large-area patterns of three-dimensional nanoshapes from metal sheets represents a potential manufacturing system to inexpensively mass produce innovations such as "plasmonic metamaterials" for advanced technologies.
The metamaterials have engineered surfaces that contain features, patterns or elements on the scale of nanometers that enable unprecedented control of light and could bring innovations such as high-speed electronics, advanced sensors and solar cells.
The new method, called laser shock imprinting, creates shapes out of the crystalline forms of metals, potentially giving them ideal mechanical and optical properties using a bench-top system capable of mass producing the shapes inexpensively.
The shapes researchers created include nanopyramids, gears, bars, grooves and a fishnet pattern, and are too small to be seen without specialized imaging instruments and are thousands of times thinner than the width of a human hair. The researchers used their technique to stamp nanoshapes out of titanium, aluminum, copper, gold and silver.
A key benefit of the shock-induced forming is sharply defined corners and vertical features, or high-fidelity structures.
"These nanoshapes also have extremely smooth surfaces, which is potentially very advantageous for commercial applications," Cheng said. "Traditionally it has been really difficult to deform a crystalline material into a nanomold much smaller than the grain size of starting materials, and due to the size effects the materials are super-strong when grain size has to be reduced to very small sizes. Therefore, it is very challenging to generate metal flow into nanomolds with high-fidelity 3-D shaping."
The researchers also created hybrid structures that combine metal with graphene, an ultrathin sheet of carbon promising for various technologies. Such a hybrid material could enhance the plasmonic effect and bring "metamaterial perfect absorbers," or MPAs, which have potential applications in optoelectronics and wireless communications.

"We can generate nanopatterns on metal-graphene hybrid materials, which opens new ways to pattern 2-D crystals," Cheng said.
The technique works by using a pulsed laser to generate "high strain rate" imprinting of metals into the nanomold.
"We start with a metal thin film, and we can deform it into 3-D nanoshapes patterned over large areas," Cheng said. "What is more interesting is that the resulting 3-D nanostructures are still crystalline after the imprinting process, which provides good electromagnetic and optical properties."
Whereas other researchers have created nanoshapes out of relatively soft or amorphous materials, the new research shows how to create nanoshapes out of hard and crystalline metals.
The silicon nanomolds were fabricated at the Birck Nanotechnology Center in Purdue's Discovery Park by a research group led by Minghao Qi, an associate professor of electrical and computer engineering.
"It is counter-intuitive to use silicon for molds because it is a pretty brittle material compared to metals," Qi said. "However, after we deposit an ultrathin layer of aluminum oxide on the nanomolds, it performs extremely well for this purpose. The nanomolds could be reused many times without obvious damage. Part of the reason is that although the strain rate is very high, the shock pressure applied is only about 1-2 gigapascals."
The shapes were shown to have an "aspect ratio" as high as 5, meaning the height is five times greater than the width, an important feature for the performance of plasmonic metamaterials.


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