India has again successfully launched a 5000 km range Agni-5 missile from a mobile launcher. Agni-5 can carry a payload of upto 1.3 ton nuclear warhead and can strike it target 5000 km in just 20 minutes. Agni-5 is a three stage missile and this time it was launched from a canister mounted on a truck at Wheeler Island off Odisha coast. Agni-5 weigh 50 tonnes and cost 10 million $ or 50 crores rupees. The canister launch will give Indian army a great flexibility and strength. It is 17 metres long and 2 m wide. The very accuracy Ring Laser Gyro based Inertial Navigation System (INS) and the most modern and accurate Micro Navigation System (MNS) has ensured the missile reach the target point within few metres of accuracy.
A totally new insulation material has been developed that is totally weightless but can still withstand high temperature, that would not be tolerated by other materials and destroy it. The porous aerogel is at least 99 percent open space , with the rest made up of an atomically thin ceramic called hexagonal boron nitride. The design proves extremely durable under high temperatures and rapid temperature shifts of over 1,000 degrees Celsius. “It’s notoriously hard to make materials that are not just lightweight, but can also be heavily heat resistant,” says Deep Jariwala, an engineer at the University of Pennsylvania. The new ultralight insulator may be especially well suited to shielding components on spacecraft , which must endure extreme temperature swings when turning toward or away from the sun or re-entering Earth’s atmosphere, he says. The aerogel comprises a network of tiny air pockets, with each pocket separated by two atomically thin layers ...